Junior Peace and Music Ambassador Program and Competition
Congratulations To
The 2024 Winners!
Our big thanks to everyone who participated!

Elliot Gulacsi Anderson
2024 Jr. Peace and Music Ambassador

Julie Chen
First Prize, Strings
11-14 Age Category

Alejandro Wu-Mula
First Prize, Piano
11-14 Age Category

Cyrano Rosentrater
First Prize, Strings
15-18 Age Category

Alice Wu
First Prize, Piano
15-18 Age Category

Channa Chilan Lee
Second Prize, Strings
11-14 Age Category

Mirei Okita
Second Prize, Piano
11-14 Age Category

Kai Freeman
Second Prize, Strings
15-18 Age Category

Katelyn Pei
Second Prize, Piano
15-18 Age Category
Samuel Benardo
Special Jury Prize
Cello, Composition and Vocal

Krystian Rzeczyck
Third Prize, Piano
11-14 Age Category

Andres Ramos
Third Prize, Strings
15-18 Age Category

Valentina Ramos
Third Prize, Piano
15-18 Age Category

Yuze Lee
Honorable Mention, Piano
11-14 Age Category

Yeuk Yu Chiu
Honorable Mention, Piano
15-18 Age Category

Kirsten Jonathan
Robert and Cynthia Johnson Foundation Prize
2023 Jr. Peace and Music Ambassador

Clara Chen
First Prize, Piano
11-14 Age Category

James Gates
First Prize, Piano
15-18 Age Category

Aavi Sircar
Runner Up, Piano
11-14 Age Category

Daniel Adibi
Runner Up, Piano
15-18 Age Category

Elliot Gulacsi Anderson
Runner Up, Strings
11-14 Age Category

Micah Chung
Special Judge Prize
photo: Courtesy of A Galucsi

Jr Peace Ambassador Award

Isabella Florenda
Jr. Peace & Music Ambassador 2019, Lower Age Category

Andy Wu
Jr. Peace & Music Ambassador 2019, Upper Age Category
2019 Winners

Elizabeth Yang
First Prize, Piano, Upper Age Category

Kenneth He
Second Prize, Piano, Upper Age Category
2018 Winners

Alexander Wu, 2018 Jr Peace & Music Ambassador, Upper Age Category.

Henry Wu, Second Prize Piano, Lower Age Category.

Micheal Zhou, Honorary Mention Piano, Lower Age Category.

Noelle Midori Takabe Naito, First Prize Strings, Upper Age Category.

Tienne Yu, First Prize Strings, Lower Age Category.

Alyssa Gabrilovich, Runner up First Prize, Lower Age Category.

Emma Lo, 2018 Jr Peace & Music Ambassador, Lower Age Category.

Seungho Lee, Second Prize Strings, Upper Age Category.

Rachael Wang, Third Prize Piano, Lower Age Category
2017 Winners

Junior Peace and Music Ambassador Lower Age Category: Max Wang, Piano
Max's Peace Message:
It is about being free, sharing and helping each other, tearing down barriers, so all of us can be comfortable together. I remember a song that John Lennon wrote, it is called, "Imagine" one of the lines said: "Nothing to kill or die for; No need for greed or hunger; A brotherhood of man; all the people sharing all the world; and the world can live as one." Music has no border; music is a universal language that the world understands; it transcends cultural differences and hatred. It can bring love and understanding to our hearts and ultimately, the world can live as one. A musician could use their music to bring people together and forget their differences and to make a difference in people's lives.

Junior Peace and Music Ambassador Upper Age Category: Joseph Hsia, Violin
Joseph's Peace Message:
Peace is a freedom from disturbance, attaining tranquility in conflict and embracing diversity with respect. It arrives at a common ground with compromises from those involved. Music, invoking pathos and humanity, provides the common ground empowering musicians to bridge differences and build harmonic friendships. To little avail, the United Nations plays a pivotal role in promoting peace in the Middle East. Maestro Barenboim, however, brought Israeli and Arab musicians together to make music, successfully crossing the perilous gulf of prejudice and animosity in Gaza, thereby developing mutual edification. My musical performances reach audiences of all background and ages. I have been invited to perform in a fundraising concert for the Nassau Refugee Resettlement for their recently sponsored Syrian refugee family. The classical music, composed hundreds years ago in Europe, will carry us transcending our cultural borders: my Asian ethnicity, the American audience and the Syrian family, creating peace and friendship.
Runner Up; First Prize, Strings: AJ LaBarca
First Prize Piano: LiYuan Byrne
Second Prize Piano: Cihan Sahin
2016 Winners
Upper Age Category: Noah Lee, violin
Lower Age Category: Paris Aspen Arin, piano
Honorable Mentions: Peter Wang, piano & Julia Chin, violin
Past Winners & Finalists